I am so excited that Tucker has decided to potty-train!!! All on his own, on Easter Sunday morning, he told me he had to go... and hasn't looked back! What a BIG boy!! The strange thing about this is the way he prefers to wear underwear.... backwards. I can't convince him that the big character (Thomas the train, Wall-E, Batman, etc.) goes on the back and the "little door" goes up front! Several times this week he has ran passed me with his little behind squishing out of his underwear because the "little side" was to the back! Yes, it's cute... but I'm sure it's uncomfortable. But Tucker stands his ground... and I'm not sure I'll ever convince him otherwise!
I guess this is just another life lesson that I have learned since I became a mother. In my opinion, I may have the best way (like wearing underwear correctly) but, I don't have the only way (apparently Tucker prefers to look down and see Batman smiling back at him). We all have different opinions. What works for you, doesn't necessarily work for me. And its been really wonderful to notice that our differences is what makes life so interesting. This realization has helped me to be less judgemental. Most people just do the very best they can. It's not the way I roll... but they really are trying! So today, I thank God for all the color and spice He adds to this life... and for my Tucker who really knows how to shake things up in the Garner house!!